Top 10 MLB players with the most social media followers featuring Mike Trout, Bryce Harper, and more

Posted by Noelle Montes on Friday, May 3, 2024

The world is ever evolving, and MLB is no special case. What used to be America's pastime has evolved into a world-renowned sport inclusive of all races and cultures. What could be a better medium to expand the reach of baseball, but through social media?

On this list, we take a look at the most followed Instagram accounts of major league players and see how much reach and influence they have.

Most followed MLB Players on Instagram

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#10 Vladimir Guerrero Jr., 1 million followers (@vladdyjr27)

The Blue Jays star first baseman currently has a sum of more than one million followers on Instagram. The young star is active on the app. He shares not only updates about his life but also re-posts material that's been made by his fans and other baseball content sites.


The young stud is just starting to make a name for himself and surely, in a few years' time, will rank higher on lists like these.

#9 Mookie Betts, 1.1 million followers (@mookiebetts)

The Los Angeles Dodgers outfielder and former American League MVP was already famous during his stint with the Boston Red Sox. But coming to Hollywood only shot up his star value. He now has more than 1.1 million followers on the social media site.

"Helllllllloooooooo!!!! #TodayWasAGoodDay" - Mookie Betts

Betts mainly posts about game day baseball stuff and some sponsors on his account.

#8 Giancarlo Stanton, 1.3 million followers (@giancarlo818)

New York Yankees slugger and 2017 National League MVP Giancarlo Stanton places eighth on our list. Contrary to both Guerrero and Betts, Stanton only has updates on his account every few months.

"I’m just here for the Cornbread" - Giancarlo Stanton

Stanton posts almost exclusively baseball stuff with a few family-related photos and tributes found on his account.

#7 Aaron Judge, 1.3 million followers (@thejudge44)

From one Bronx Bomber to the next, the club leader of the Yankees team has accumulated 1.3 million followers on his social. The young stud has kept his feed as modest as his acumen in the game. He's only had 262 posts so far.

"Great series in the 6! Got a chance to meet some incredible fans that make this game what it is! S/O to Derek and Michael for this special moment! Excited for this next home stand!⚾️⚾️" - Aaron Judge

He also recently posted a reel of the moment he met the young fan who was gifted his home run ball at the Rogers Centre in Toronto. Truly one of MLB's most consummate professionals.

#6 Shohei Ohtani, 1.3 million followers (@shoheiohtani)

Reigning American League MVP Shohei Ohtani had just opened his Instagram account in May 29, 2020. But he has already reached 1.3 millionfollowers, mainly due to his good character, amazing gameplay, and tremendous reach on a global scale.

"Hope my welcome to Instagram party goes better than this" - Shohei Ohtani

The Japanese superstar has been both courteous and humorous in his posts, and with his likable character, he will surely garner more as his career progresses.

#5 Fernando Tatis Jr., 1.3 million followers (@fernando_tatis21)

Young Dominican superstar Fernando Tatis Jr. of the San Diego Padres has more than 1.3 million followers on his account. Despite being one of the flashiest players in MLB right now, Tatis Jr. only has two posts active on his account, keeping things simple.

This portrait and another post containing a sports brand advertisement have been the only two posts on his account.

#4 Jose Altuve, 1.4 million followers (@josealtuve27)

Houston Astros star Jose Altuve hasn't posted in a while on his account. Still, the second baseman has kept his 1.4 million followers, which is good for the fourth-most of all active players.

"⚾️ = ❤️" - @ Jose Altuve

Altuve used to be active on his account but hasn't posted anything since June 3, 2020. A probable cause was due to the backlash brought upon by the Astros' controversial World Series win in 2017. The team was met with harsh criticism from fans and the MLB community in general.

#3 Javier Baez, 1.5 million followers (@javy23baez)

Perhaps the most active poster on the list, Detroit Tigers shortstop Javier Baez now has 1.5 million followers to go along with the 1,045 posts on his account.

🥰Mis Amores🥰 - @ javy23baez

Aside from baseball stuff, Baez has always been fond of sharing his family moments on his feed with his fans.

#2 Bryce Harper, 1.7 million followers (@bryceharper3)

Philadelphia Phillies superstar and two-time National League MVP Bryce Harper has accumulated 1.7 million followers on his social. Even before he landed in Philadelphia, Harper had been one of the most followed acts in baseball.

"Ten years with another ten to go. Thankful for my teammates for making yesterday special for me. Appreciate everybody who has been part of the ride so far! Love y’all!🤟🏼" - @ Bryce Harper

Harper mainly updates his fans with content that is not only baseball-related but sometimes crosses into other sports. He has also shared many posts regarding his family on his feed.

#1 Mike Trout, 1.9 million followers (@miketrout)

The player with the most Instagram followers among all active MLB players is Los Angeles Angels outfielder and former three-time MVP Mike Trout. Trout has 1.9 million followers on his account.

"2022" - @ Mike Trout

Trout is known as one of the most mild-mannered players in the MLB and it shows on his account. It mostly contains family photographs, some sponsors, and posts about social issues.

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